In recent years, the family structure has changed, as well as family roles. What are the changes occurring? Do you think these changes are positive or negative?

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20/10/2018 & 05/03/2016 In recent years, the family structure has changed, as well as family roles. What are the changes occurring? Do you think these changes are positive or negative? 


  • Family structure and role changes: smaller families, double income no kid families, living together without marriage, single parent for ladies.
  • Role changes: breadwinners can be wives while household chores done by husbands;
  • Positive: less pressure from pleasing other family members especially parents. More privacy with separate rooms, more time for developing oneself when duties and involvement in other members’ business decline
  • Negative: the change in roles with woman being the main supporters make them more independent à higher divorce rate. People live separately and care less for parents, sometimes the elderly are abandon because their children toss the ball of responsibility to each other.




n. Sư thay đổi



a.Phổ biến



adv. Kì quặc



n. người trụ cột gia đình

household chores

ˈhaʊshəʊld ʧɔːz

n. việc nhà

family configuration

ˈfæmɪli kənˌfɪgjʊˈreɪʃən

n. cơ cấu gia đình



n. hậu quả

extended families

ɪksˈtɛndɪd ˈfæmɪliz

n. gia đình nhiều thế hệ



a.gia cố

Fiddle with

ˈfɪdl wɪð

v. vất vả làm cái gì



v,n, tạo ra



n. hệ quả

The alteration in family structures and roles leads to numerous consequences in society. However, the changes are not always for the better, which will be analyzed in this essay.

The size and task division in families have shifted with smaller households and more power for women. Indeed, nuclear families are a prevalent choice for many, or even they want to have double income and no kids. More peculiarly, people may decide to live without registering their marriages, and young ladies even decide to be single moms. As regards changes in the familial roles, the society has witnessed more women rising up to be breadwinners for their own homes, pushing more husbands to the jobs once done by housewives like doing household chores, and caring for children.

Those drastic changes in the family configuration has led to both positive and negative corollaries. On the bright side, when people do not live in extended families, they escape from the duties, interferences of family members into their decisions. Their more freedom is also fortified by more privacy people have in their own rooms and houses, and fewer shared facilities. Besides, their reduced involvement into other family members’ business saves them more time to focus on developing their own lives and futures. Nonetheless, with more independence, women find it easier to break their marriages, which leads to a rise in the divorce rate. In addition, love and care for the elderly may be lessened when everyone has their own house, fiddling with their own business, so they may toss the ball of responsibility among each other and leave their parents abandoned.

In conclusion, smaller families and more independence for women has benefited people in some aspects but also harmed them in others. However, if people are well aware of the reasons behind the negative, I believe, these family changes will yield more positive aftermaths. (310 ws)

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