Giải đề IELTS Writing ngày 18/1/2020

Giải đề IELTS Writing ngày 18/1/2020

Task 1:

Process of ethanol production from corn. 


  • Ethanol fuel: (n) nhiên liệu ê-ta-non
  • Be loaded into a storage: (v) đươc đưa vào kho
  • Milling stage: (n) giai đoạn nghiền
  • Ground into small pieces: (v) nghiền thành những mảnh nhỏ
  • Fermentation: (n) sự lên men
  • Alcoholic mixture: (n) hỗn hợp cồn
  • Fermented mixture: hỗn hợp đã được lên men
  • Be separated from : (v) được tách ra
  • Purify (v) : lọc
  • Extract (v): chiết xuất
  • Pure ethanol : (n) ê-ta-non nguyên chất
  • The fuel manufacturing plant: (n) nhà máy sản xuất nhiên liệu
  • Distribution(n): sự phân phối
  • Processing (n) : chế biến, gia công

The essay:

The diagram describes the production of ethanol fuel from corn.

First, corn, the main material of the production process is gathered at a storage. After that, it is taken out and put through the milling stage in which corn is ground into small pieces. In the next phase, people mixed the milled corn with water and then cook it in four hours. The fermentation comes next and lasts for 48 hours to turn corn and water into an alcoholic mixture. Subsequently, the liquid of the fermented mixture is separated from the solid by-product. That liquid is then purified within 5 hours to get rid of water for an extraction of pure ethanol, which is then transferred to a fuel storage. Finally, ethanol is transported to filling stations for distribution.

Overall, the process of turning corn into ethanol goes through eight stages but takes only more than two days to complete.

(150 words)

Các bạn xem các bài viết về diagram description ở dưới đây cho quen dạng này. 

Task 2:

Is the mental strength important for success in sports or is it more important to have strong and fit people in sports. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Body paragraph 1:

Physical strength is inevitably required from top sports performers in competitions.

[1]Athletes: train seriously => must be fit and enduring.

  • Their competitors: strong and confident => being physically strong is a prerequisite for competitions.
  • The strength of an athlete needs to be bountiful: sudden bust of strength at the beginning and at the end of the game + the moderate distribution of energy during races or games

 Body paragraph 2:

Even ones with their perfect physique need to be mentally strong to ace their games.

[1] Example of Anh Vien, the best women swimmer of Vietnam with several gold medals for SEA Games 29 but with disappointed achievement in SEA Games 30 due to love problems  => the importance of mental health for sports professionals.

[2] all athletes are at their top performance, but the ones with the stronger will even overcome themselves to win.


  • decisive factor: (n) nhân tố quyết định
  • mental stamina: (n) sức khỏe tinh thần
  • inevitably: (adv) không thể tránh được
  • enduring: (a) bền sức
  • prerequisite: (n) điều kiện tiên quyết
  • sudden bust of strength: (n) sự bùng nổ năng lượng
  • bountiful: (a) dồi dào
  • perfect physique: (n) thể trạng hoàn hảo
  • ace their games: (v) thể hiện xuất sắc trong trận đấu
  • telling example: (n) bằng chứng rõ ràng
  • critical moments: (n) thời khắc quan trọng
  • the stronger will: (n) ý chí mạnh hơn
  • overcome themselves: (v) vượt qua chính mình 
  • to take advantage of: (v) tận dụng
  • biological upper limit: (n) biên trên của giới hạn thể chất
  • be taken for granted: (v) được xem là điều hiển nhiên
  • ticks: (n) tích tắc
  • rival: (n) đối thủ

The essay:

Some believe that physical strength is a decisive factor (nhân tố quyết định) for sports players to win while others claim more importance for mental power in the success. I believe that athletes need to be physically strong in sports tournaments, but their mental stamina (sức khỏe tinh thần) is more important for them to overcome their own limits to achieve victories.

Physical strength is inevitably (không thể tránh được) required from top sports performers in competitions. Athletes are expected to train seriously for any games they join, so they must be fit and enduring (bền sức) to shine on the date. Their competitors are also very strong and confident at the top of their readiness to win, so being physically strong is a prerequisite (điều kiện tiên quyết) for joining sports competitions. Besides the sudden bust of strength (sự bùng nổ năng lượng) at the beginning and at the end of the game, the moderate distribution of energy during races or games are also crucial for a final win. Therefore, the strength of an athlete needs to be bountiful (dồi dào) for use in the whole duration of the competition to improve possibilities of success.

However, even ones with their perfect physique (thể trạng hoàn hảo) need to be mentally strong to ace their games (thể hiện xuất sắc trong trận đấu). Take Anh Vien, the best women swimmer of Vietnam as an example, she won several gold medals for SEA Games 29 and was considered as having no rival in all swimming contests in South East Asia. Sadly, in SEA Games 30, she suffered problems in her romantic relationship, and thus failed to defend her championship in numerous games, which surprised and disappointed millions of people at home. This is the telling example (bằng chứng rõ ràng) of the importance of mental health for sports professionals. Besides, for these players the priority they create in the game over their competitors can be only seconds or some fractions of a second faster in reaching the finishing line, or to hitting the ball to the goal. At those critical moments, (thời khắc quan trọng) all athletes are at their top performance already, but the ones with the stronger will (ý chí mạnh hơn) seem to even overcome themselves (vượt qua chính mình) to take advantage of (tận dụng) such decisive time to win.

In conclusion, for sports players, who are trained up to their biological upper limit,(biên trên của giới hạn thể chất) if physical strength is taken for granted, (được xem là điều hiển nhiên) I believe that the mental power will be the key to activate the 1% of their top performance to win even with some ticks (tích tắc) ahead of their rivals. (đối thủ) (386 words)

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