Đề writing ngày 12 tháng 12, 2019: Some languages increase while others is rapidly declining in use. Positive or negative development?

Đề IELTS Writing ngày 12/12/2019

A few languages are increasingly spoken in different countries while the usage of others is rapidly declining. Is this a positive or negative development?

The world has witnessed the prevalence of languages like English, Spanish, and Chinese while numerous other languages are diminishing. I believe this trend has both positive and negative aspects.

The increasing popularity of some languages facilitates economic development, convenience for travelling, and technological development. Indeed, the globalization encourages economic powers (cường quốc kinh tế) to realize its expansionism in which multinational companies mushroom (mọc nhanh như nấm) in every corner of the world. That requires people to speak the languages of their mother companies and the predominance of those languages in the economic world is a good sign of smoother economic activities worldwide. Besides, the presence of some popular languages in many countries allows international tourists to have more options for communication and avoid language barriers (rào cản ngôn ngữ) in their journeys overseas. Additionally, the acceptance of English enables the spread of technological products like Microsoft Word and Facebook to many countries. Without the popularity of English, these inventions would have been encased only within English speaking nations.

However, too much spotlight on some languages means negative consequences for other dwindling languages. The currency of a language (sức mạnh của 1 ngôn ngữ) varies according to its role in economic development. Lower number of users of a language means the gradual abandonment of that language by its very own people due to its little or no use in economic activities.. This causes the potential reduction in cultural diversity (đa dạng văn hóa) and distinct values (giá trị bản sắc) of different peoples (các dân tộc) embodied in their languages. To an extreme, the negligence of languages of the minorities is pushing them to the verge of extinction. (đẩy tới bờ vực tuyệt chủng) Losing a language is like burying the people’s origin, but this painful phenomenon is happening at an astonishing high rate. Thus, it is too dire a threat to ignore. (hiểm họa lớn không thể lơ là)

In conclusion, the heyday (thời hoàng kim) of some languages and the sunset of others are exposing themselves concurrently. This has both merits for global economic development and demerits of loss of human origins and cultural diversity. Therefore, measures should be urgently taken to promote positive effects and remedy negative corollaries (khắc phục các hậu quả) of this trend.

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