Đề Writing ngày 18/12/2019 – Computer test – Work or freedom from work


Task 1: to be updated

Task 2:

If people had a chance choose to live a life without working or spending much time working, they would choose no working. Agree or disagree?

Some people would opt for living a life without working if they had that chance. However, I believe that labour has long been honoured in many societies, and that free-from-working life is not always appreciated by everyone.

On the one hand, people have tendency to free themselves from work at certain stages in their lives. They may take every chance when young to prepare for a future of having passive incomes, (thu nhập thụ động) task delegation, (giao việc) and effective operational system (hệ thống vận hành) to keep their work going without minding much about their businesses. Even though those conditions for financial freedom (tự do tài chính) is very hard-earned, (khó kiếm được) people still never stop reaching out for it hoping one day they can earn money even when they are sleeping. As regards beautiful women, many choose to marry wealthy husbands so as to free themselves from the obligation of working and earning money. On the negative side, that somehow reflects the mindset of “gold diggers” in society.

On the other hand, many still uphold the value of work in life and want to contribute to the world as much as possible. For billionaires, if they stopped working and sold their businesses, they would have more than enough to live this earthy life (cuộc sống trần thế) in luxury, but they do not choose that unproductive lifestyle. Instead, some of them, remarkably the renowned billionaire Bill Gate, decide to donate almost all of their fortune to charity, and get involved in projects to help those in need and solve global problems. Also, there are people going to work till their eighties without retirement although working for them does not mean to earn for a living but to simply stay useful in their limited remaining lifetime. For these people, nothing can be exchanged for opportunities to work towards a better future for their communities, and for the mankind.

In conclusion, one may choose to be an opportunistic gold digger (kẻ đào mỏ cơ hội) while others toil (lao động cực nhọc) to build passive incomes and eventually reach their freedom from work. However, for many others, they attach meaning and value to their work, and thus want to continue their labour into the old age even though they can live well without working. (354 words)


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