Giải đề Writing ngày 19/12/2019 – Computer test


Task 1

Task 2

The shortage of houses in big cities causes many consequences. Only government actions can resolve this problem. Do you agree or disagree with this idea?

Version 1: Disagree, cả government lẫn private sector phải hợp tác với nhau

The population in many urban areas is booming, which exerts pressure on the provision of accommodation for city dwellers. In the middle of this problem, some assert that only the government can resolve housing shortage for its citizens, but I believe, this should be also addressed by the private sector.

The government’s role in balancing demand and supply (cân bằng cung cầu) in housing is indisputable. With huge resources from the national budget from tax collection, the ultimate right (quyền tối thượng) in land management and planning, and the priority in the mobilization of human resources (huy động nhân lực) to serve the cause of (phục vụ sự nghiệp) bringing stability to society, the government can build social housing (nhà ở xã hội) at low prices coupled with (đi kèm với) the financial package for people with low income to afford their apartments with mortgage loans. (khoản vay mua nhà) Besides, the greatest challenge of technical and social infrastructures (hạ tầng kĩ thuật và hạ tầng xã hội) like costly and even non-profit transport facilities, hospitals, schools and markets can be easily provided by the government for the establishment of new residential areas.

However, private real estate corporations are also a necessary driving force behind (động lực cần thiết của) the supply of more housing. While the provision of social housing aims at meeting the demand of low-income earners, for the middle class or the wealthy, their property needs, which are often more demanding, can be better catered for (được chăm sóc tốt hơn bởi) by companies with great customer care and professional teams to build made-to-order houses (nhà làm theo yêu cầu đặt hàng) or luxury condominiums (căn hộ cao cấp). Also, these businesses are normally smaller and more active than state owned enterprises in their operation, and thus meet housing demands faster and sometimes even more efficiently.

In conclusion, the housing shortage can be best solved when both government and private companies shake hands to provide for the diverse needs of people from all walks of life. (320 words)

Version 2: Disagree, cả government lẫn private sector phải hợp tác với nhau (from Mat Clark)

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